CBD and Health CBD Elderberry Smoothie Recipe

CBD Elderberry Smoothie Recipe

CBD Elderberry Smoothie Recipe



CBD-infused smoothies offer a delightful way to combine the health-promoting properties of cannabidiol with the goodness of wholesome ingredients. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the creation of a CBD Elderberry Smoothie, a flavorful blend that not only tantalizes the taste buds but also incorporates the immune-boosting properties of elderberries.


  • Elderberries (Fresh or Frozen): Start with fresh or frozen elderberries, known for their immune-boosting properties. Elderberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, making them a valuable addition to the smoothie.
  • Banana: Add a ripe banana for natural sweetness, creaminess, and a dose of potassium. Bananas also contribute to the smooth texture of the beverage.
  • Spinach or Kale: Incorporate leafy greens like spinach or kale for added nutrients, including vitamins A and C. Leafy greens enhance the smoothie’s nutritional profile without compromising its taste.
  • Greek Yogurt or Plant-Based Yogurt: Choose Greek yogurt for a protein boost or opt for a plant-based alternative for a dairy-free option. Yogurt adds creaminess and a hint of tang to the smoothie.
  • CBD Oil or Tincture: Select a high-quality, THC-free CBD oil or tincture to infuse the smoothie with the potential benefits of cannabidiol. Ensure the dosage aligns with your preferences and wellness goals.
  • Almond Milk or Coconut Milk: Use almond milk or coconut milk as the liquid base for the smoothie. These alternatives impart a subtle nutty or tropical flavor, enhancing the overall taste.
  • Chia Seeds or Flaxseeds: Boost the smoothie’s nutritional content with a sprinkle of chia seeds or flaxseeds. These seeds add fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and a delightful crunch.
  • Honey or Maple Syrup: Add natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup to enhance the sweetness of the smoothie. Adjust the amount based on your taste preferences.
  • Ice Cubes: Include ice cubes to create a refreshing and chilled consistency. Ice also helps achieve the desired thickness of the smoothie.


  • Prepare the Elderberries: If using fresh elderberries, remove the stems and wash them thoroughly. If using frozen elderberries, ensure they are thawed before blending.
  • Combine Ingredients: In a high-speed blender, combine the elderberries, banana, spinach or kale, Greek yogurt or plant-based yogurt, CBD oil or tincture, almond milk or coconut milk, chia seeds or flaxseeds, honey or maple syrup, and ice cubes.
  • Blend Until Smooth: Blend the ingredients on high speed until the mixture becomes smooth and creamy. Adjust the consistency by adding more liquid if necessary.
  • Taste and Adjust: Taste the smoothie and adjust the sweetness or thickness as needed. You can add more honey or maple syrup for sweetness or more ice for a thicker texture.
  • Serve Immediately: Pour the CBD Elderberry Smoothie into glasses and serve immediately. Garnish with additional elderberries or a sprinkle of chia seeds for a decorative touch.


  • CBD Dosage: When incorporating CBD into your smoothie, be mindful of the dosage. Start with a lower amount and gradually increase based on your preferences and how your body responds. Consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.
  • Elderberry Safety: While elderberries are generally safe, it’s essential to ensure they are fully ripe and properly prepared, as raw elderberries can be toxic. Cooking or blending elderberries neutralizes any potential toxicity.
  • Variations: Feel free to customize the smoothie with additional ingredients based on your taste preferences and nutritional goals. You can add protein powder, nut butter, or other fruits for variety.
  • Fresh vs. Frozen: If fresh elderberries are not available, frozen elderberries are a convenient and equally nutritious option. Ensure they are free from added sugars or preservatives.
  • Allergen Considerations: Adjust the recipe based on dietary preferences and allergens. Substitute almond milk with a nut-free alternative if needed, and choose plant-based yogurt for a dairy-free option.


In conclusion, crafting a CBD Elderberry Smoothie is a delightful and health-conscious endeavor. This vibrant and flavorful beverage not only provides a refreshing treat but also incorporates the potential benefits of CBD and the immune-boosting properties of elderberries. Whether you’re a fan of CBD-infused creations or simply looking for a delicious and nutritious smoothie, this recipe offers a harmonious blend of flavors and well-being. Sip, savor, and enjoy the nourishing goodness of a CBD Elderberry Smoothie as part of your wellness routine.

Anastasia Filipenko